Riding a side by side can be highly enjoyable. It’s a unique, thrilling way to experience the great outdoors. However, reckless and irresponsible riding can lead to a serious accident. These tips from Anderson Powersports Lake Havasu City - North can help make sure that your next side by side trail ride is just as safe as it is fun. 

Stick to Designated Trails

You may find the idea of exploring off trail exciting, but it’s actually a very bad idea. Not only is it likely to disturb animals and damage plants, but it’s also illegal if you’re riding on state or federal land. On top of all that, there’s a good chance that you’ll encounter an obstacle that your side by side just can’t handle if you try to take it off trail. 

Safety Equipment

Side by side riding gear is designed to protect you from injury. You and anyone riding with you should wear your safety gear at all times. Your gear should include a DOT-certified helmet, goggles that provide anti-fog/UV protection, and full-length clothing. 

Be Polite

Finally, following basic trail etiquette will ensure that both you and everyone else on the trail has a safe, fun ride. If you’re in a situation where another rider has the right of way, give it to them. Inform other riders if trail conditions are unsafe, and inform them of any riders coming up behind you. If you see another rider on the side of the trail, take a second to confirm that they’re simply taking a break and not in need of medical/technical assistance. 

Shop side by sides at Anderson Powersports Lake Havasu City - North in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. We’re proud to serve communities like Topock and Desert Hills, Arizona. We also offer financing, trade-ins, test rides, servicing, and parts ordering.